Part of being a good contract decorator is understanding the relationship between us, the supplier, and you, the distributor. We place tremendous value on the the supplier-distributor relationship. So much so, in fact, that we treat distributors as if they were our own sales people – you’re not just a customer number to us. Without YOU, we have nothing to produce.
There are several ways that we can interract with our distributors. The least desirable arrangement is where we are just another one of your decorators. You send us orders whenever our price is better than the other guy, or when the other guy can’t get your order done on time.
The relationships we value most are with distributors who see us as partners in the process. In effect, you are OUR salesperson, and we are YOUR factory. We should “need” each other equally. Without you, we have nothing to produce. Without us, you cannot serve your customer.
Distributors who understand this relationship are the ones for whom we bend over backwards to serve. Whenever you call, we go the extra mile. Unless it is simply impossible, we will meet every request made by you. Because, as your factory, we must serve you and your customers as if they were our own.
However, this relationship places some burden on you, the distributor. You must understand the needs of the factory. You must understand whether your request is reasonable. And most importantly, you must not ask for something you don’t need. For example, if your customer needs shirts in three weeks, please don’t ask us to complete them in one. If you ask, we assume it’s needed and we will do everything we can to meet your in-hands date. But if you don’t need the rush service, please don’t ask for it.
Our best distributors understand this relationship and value it, as do we.