Boardwalk Marketing

In general we have a bias toward and an affinity for Macs. We’ve been Mac guys since the late 80’s (yes, we’ve been around awhile). The installer for the Mac was easier to create and it works a bit better.

After you download the installer locate the “QuoteMagician.mkpg” file in your Downloads folder. Before running the installer you need to change your security settings to allow apps downloaded from “Anywhere.” After adjusting your security settings, double click to begin the installation. Follow the screens and install the program. If everything installed as it was supposed to, the application will be located in….the Applications folder….exactly where it should be. After the installer is finished go to your Applications folder and look for the Quote Magician application.

Important Note – the application should stay in the Applications folder.  Keeping it here will avoid the problems that will arise if the program is moved.

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