Pricing software like the Quote Magician is valuable for many, many reasons. It allows you to quickly and easily calculate prices on any item using the Quick Quote functionality. Enter the cost of the item you want priced, select the decorating options and your selling price is calculated instantly. Any item can be priced once you know the cost. But looking up prices can be a hassle. You have to log in and search the wholesalers website for the item you want and then get the cost. What if you had access to the entire published price list from your favorite wholesaler? Wouldn’t that be great? Quote Magician has you covered.
The five largest wholesalers in the industry make available on their website the pricing for every item in their catalog. This information is published in a spreadsheet that any registered user can download. We download all of the available spreadsheets, parse the data into a usable format and make it available to you in the Quote Magician. The five wholesalers are:
You have the option to include any or all of these catalogs in your system. Or you may stick with the catalog pricing from one wholesaler. The choice is yours.
Every price on every item from FIVE Major Wholesalers. Quote Magician has you covered.